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Monday, December 3, 2007

Deepak Chopra -- The Soul of Healing Meditations

When it comes to power of the mind/body connection to be healthy or to heal pain I consider Dr. Deepak Chopra the foremost authority and my hero. While I was healing his "Soul of Healing Guided Meditations" on audio was able to calm me, still my mind and keep me present. I still listen to this some evenings when I need to relax and calm down and never tire of having him lead me through a meditation. When I saw that he has a whole series of healing available to watch on youtube I knew I had to watch and recommend them to ANYONE interested in learning about the mind/body connection.

I have read only a few of Dr. Chopra's books as of now but intend to make my way through most if not all of them. Ageless Body Timeless Mind was my first and is the one I refer to often. He speaks with the intelligence and authority of a doctor and the calmness of a spiritual teacher. He explains simply how powerful the body is and how we have a pharmacy within us. He speaks of the interconnectedness of the mind and our experiences with the body. He has great wisdom and yet is easy to understand and "just makes sense".

Thank you Alienx1976 for posting these videos on youtube so we can all enjoy and benefit from them. You will also find a lot of other wonderful videos on his youtube site. I have posted the first 3 in this series but if you are hooked as I am please visit alienx1976 or youtube to watch the remainder (there are 11 in the series).

I am so grateful for Dr. Chopra and his wisdom and I think he will play a key part in medicine becoming more integrative in our future. Thank you Dr. Chopra -- you have helped me to heal my pain as I know you have and will continue to help MANY others!

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