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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Inspiration for the Inspirational

I have finally gotten used to being called inspirational over a year after I have healed myself. Yep, my self-esteem was very low there for a while and I am JUST getting the hang of receiving the compliment gracefully. After all, healing myself of all the illnesses and chronic pain I had for 6 years was my proudest moment -- so I think I deserve the title of "inspirational". I certainly understood my parents, husband and kids thinking so because they saw how bad my pain was for years and now it is nice that others are recognizing it without experiencing me at my worst. What keeps me inspired and wanting to learn more and be the best person I can be in ALL areas of my life? I wrote a post about "The Power of Inspiration and Knowing No Limits", I have written about Blogs I read that inspire me (I could add a lot more to that list now and want it to include "I Will Change Your Life", "We the Change", "Practical Personal Development" and "The Next 45 Years") , I have had inspirational people such as Dr. Judith Orloff and Dr. Ingrid Bacci write guest posts on my blog, I belong to a Master Mind Group started after joining Aaron Pott's wonderful "Personal Development Partners" and NOW I have found a mentor who defines inspiration to me, Karin Heibert.

I met Karin through selfgrowth.com where I am an expert on Law of Attraction. She is a Success Skills Expert at selfgrowth.com and when I read her profile I knew we would connect. As I was reading her story on her website I was mesmerized and in disbelief that someone could have lived through the severe childhood abuse she endured. I know there is no "quantifying" pain and suffering but hers was the worst I had ever heard of. It gave me chills and I had to finish reading her life story to find out how she overcame her trauma.

Karin reminded me of myself even though her pain was much more emotional/mental while mine was mostly physical (at least on the surface). ;-) She was always very much a perfectionist and felt she had to prove herself. She is a world renown hairstylist and is one of the "World's Top Ten Hairdressers" winning every competition she entered after studying at the elite Vidal Sasson Advanced Haircutting Academy. Though she was seemingly moving forward and succeeding in her life (same as I was) there were underlying issues she needed to confront and deal with in order to heal and move on with her life.

When Karin's children reached the age she was during her abuse it triggered several reactions including PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), Dissociative Disorder (Formerly Multiple Personality Disorder), and severe asthmatic attacks that had her hospitalized several times. Her career suffered and she was on several medications for all her symptoms and diagnoses.

Through The Laurel Center (which is run by therapists who are survivors of sexual abuse), becoming a Dale Carnegie Graduate Assistant with high honors, Learning the Universal Laws including The Law of Attraction through "The Secret" and others (including Neale Donald Walsch's "Conversations with God") Karin was able to heal herself. Not only did Karin heal herself but she was able to develop her own success program called Inspiraction Training (Inspired Action), become an expert at Web 2.0 and coach many people to success. She is inspirational in every sense of the word and when I first made contact with her I KNEW I wanted her to be my mentor. She makes herself very available to her clients and we have talked via Skype several times already.

I am honored to have Karin as my mentor and am excited for all she will help me with. I know one thing on my list is getting over my fear of seeing myself on video. As you can see from the below video of Karin -- she is completely at ease and exudes kindness and quiet confidence. If you like this video visit her You Tube Page. To find out more about her coaching you can visit her myspace page. I am so excited to have a mentor -- I have been searching for the "right one" for a year now. Whoo Hoo someone to tell me how to be more efficient and kick my butt a bit when I slack off! I am sure you will be hearing more about Karin as we move forward but please check out this video and her website to learn about her incredible life. Thank you Karin for being my inspiration! Here is Karin's video on "9 Important Life Principals":

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