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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Prescription For Change

Anyone that knows this blog or me knows how I feel about the numerous drug ads on TV. Below is information so you can take action and tell the government to have an 800 number on the commercials so that people can report side effects. Please help me make this a reality. The sooner side effects are reported -- the more people can be helped. Thanks!

Here is the message from Consumers Union:

Endless drug ads on TV: do these drugs really work, and what about side effects? Are we hearing the whole story???

I just took action to make sure we know more about the benefits and risks of the drugs we take. Join me in urging the FDA to require drug companies to include a 1-800 number and website in all TV drug ads so consumers can report side effects. A better system for reporting problems means earlier detection of problems!

Click the link below and take action now!


To make it interesting -- the first 5 people to do this and email me at jennymannion@yahoo.com telling me so -- receive a complimentary copy of my ebook.

Thank you!

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