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Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Holistic Doctor Link via the American Holistic Medical Association

I've talked a few times about the importance of finding a doctor that treats the "whole person" and not just the symptoms. Whether it be an illness you want treatment options for or some kind of pain you feel needs to be healed -- I was just made aware of a resource I wanted to share on my blog. The American Holistic Medical Association now has a link where you can search for a holistic doctor. You can break down your search by type of holistic treatment you are interested in or by city or state. I have a feeling this list is in its beginning stages but will continue to grow as time goes on. If you feel you need a different look at your health options, a more complete look at your health or just alternate methods to explore I recommend checking if there are any doctors in your area. Holistic Doctor Search.

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