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Tuesday, August 21, 2007

"Heal Pain with Mini Goals" by Jennifer Mannion

In order to heal pain mini goals are needed to be successful. If you try to take on HUGE undertakings and over-extend yourself you will most likely get frustrated and give up. Healing pain makes you feel positive about yourself and accomplishing mini tasks is a good way to jump-start your self-confidence.

There were so many mornings when I could NOT get out of bed. I would drag myself downstairs crying to make lunch for my son and get my daughter ready for the day. I would beat myself up about "all the things that needed to be done that I couldn't do".

When I began to know I could heal myself l knew I had to set some goals. I knew I could not start out with the list I had back in my "healthy" days. So I made a list of 20 -- 5 minute items that I wanted to accomplish that week. It was all stuff that would make me feel good and stuff I could accomplish even on my bad pain days. Crossing things off a list makes you feel productive since you have accomplished tasks. I don't care WHAT those things are. If it is call a friend that you haven't talked to in a year or one that makes you laugh, write a list of your top 20 books/movies/songs, listen to 1/2 hour of uplifting music, take a walk -- no matter how short -- it works wonders, clean out 1 drawer, etc...

When you see things crossed off it makes you want to accomplish more things and come up with more goals. If you have no goals written down it is easy to not do anything when you are ill and in pain. Quick -- what 10 mini-goals can you do in the next week that would make you feel good? Can you write them down or type them out RIGHT NOW? You won't regret it!

To find out about the other techniques I used to heal myself from chronic pain and illness please learn more about my ebook or visit my site: http://www.thankfulformyhealing.com

1 comment:

Mohan said...

Lovelly blog you have

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