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Monday, August 20, 2007

"Heal Pain with Self-Forgiveness" by Jennifer Mannion

Self-Forgiveness was an integral part of my techniques to heal pain. When I started reading the Law of Attraction materials it was overwhelming to think that I had in any way contributed to my illnesses in the last 6 years. I could have lingered in anger, resentment, bitterness at time lost or frustration. I decided I would need to forgive myself in order to begin to heal.

I did not intentionally make myself sick. I did not consciously choose to be in chronic pain for 6 years. I was doing the best I knew how in coping with all my illnesses. It was my subconscious that was taking the things I was not dealing with properly; stress, anger, exhaustion and contributing to my illnesses. Once I said to myself, "It's OK Jen, you did not choose these things -- what's important is what you do NOW", I started to heal. You need to forgive yourself. It does no good to replay in your mind what you could have done or said -- what matters is how you live your life from here on out.

One of my favorite inspirational speakers, James Ray, says "Isn't NOW a good time to start....." Yes, Mr. Ray it sure is! For more on James Ray please visit his site at: http://www.jamesray.com Mr. Thom Rutledge wrote a book on self-forgiveness the following is a review for it: " Thom Rutledge is onto something. Writing in the awareness that the line between spirituality and psychology has blurred, his third self-help book concentrates on kindness. That is, be kind first to yourself and your kindness will flow to others. All psychological healing comes from the ability to forgive oneself." To physically heal you have to psychologically heal as well....

So -- whats' next? I am sure you have forgiven other people for doing things you thought they did or said intentionally. Can you find it in your heart to forgive yourself for things you did unintentionally?

For more of the techniques I used to heal myself of chronic pain and illness or to find out more about me, you can read about my ebook or visit my site: http://www.thankfulformyhealing.com

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